Get more from Rocket League Teams
We'll always offer a free plan, but if you need more — help support us by upgrading your subscription
For small teams looking to challenge each other
Create a team with up to 5 members
Automatically bump player profile daily
Featured player and team profile card
Challenge other teams
For big communities with lots of members
Create a team with unlimited members
Automatically bump player and/or team profile daily
Featured player and team profile card with personal banner
Challenge other teams
Schedule public events
Level Up
Support RLTF and benefit
We'll always offer a free plan, but if you need more — help support us by upgrading your subscription
Message anyone
- No need to favorite each other, you can message any player.
Team Roster
- Players can request to join your team, and you can even invite them yourself.
Bump more often
- You can bump your profile every 24 hours so you'll spend more time on the front page.
Fancy profile card
- Stand out with a more colorful player card featuring your avatar as the background.
- Your team can schedule public events. Promote your tournaments or host open try outs.
Challenge Teams
- Premium teams can challenge each other to practice matches.
- See who leaves a commendation on your profile.