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  • Member since Sep 8, 2024



Here is a little about myself and Rocket league. 🫡

I am a Male 21 year Old looking to go Pro. I would love to be apart of a ESports RLCS team that is my dream. I am very competitive though a chill player. My inspiration is “ApparentlyJack”. Add me up let’s play! If you’re looking to recruit a player for RLCS or Esports for your team, add me up and let’s chat in game! And play a few matches! I am willing to play with other players.

I am a “Goalie” Rocket league player that passes the ball, clears the ball, scores, mechanical and has high Game IQ.

My most Goals in a game in competitive was 7 out of the 16 goals me made to 0. (Yes they were trying until the end, I was playing with friends and saved the replay).

I am most known for being a Goalie, I have around a 70% - 80% to block the ball as long as I am at net. Therefore I help slow down our opponents Offense, and maintain our Defense while moving up to score when I am first man. My rotations are good, I can flick, dribble, Ariel, and make clean shots. I will admit I am not the greatest on offense because my play style is Defense, though I can still MVP a game if I need to and my recoveries make up for my Offense.

I am on an old PC and Monitor currently so I’m a bit nerfed. I somehow can manage to play good even with input lag, and 100+ ping, along with decent Wifi. I have to run on the lowest settings, and change my screen size so I don’t lag if you know you know. It says I am Champ 2, that’s true on an account I used to have on a good system so I know I am Champ 2, currently about to hit Diamond. I Work and have a tight Schedule, so I am looking to go Pro, or at least have income coming in from Rocket league so I can sit down and play this game more often to rank up faster. Yes I can still play good right now, though in the future I need to buy a good system to run Rocket league at max.

Thanks for Reading!!


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